Gii strives for a more educated, skilled, and interconnected world, giving people the tools and knowledge to achieve their potential.

Our Mission

Empower refugees and underserved populations to gain economic independence through education, employment, and community integration.

Our Vision

A world where every individual, regardless of their origin and circumstance, is valued and empowered as a meaningful part of a vibrant, inclusive society.

Success and fulfillment come from being part of a community and feeling empowered to contribute to something greater than ourselves. Gii was founded on this belief, driven by a deep desire to support at-risk individuals and help them become integral members of a larger community where they can reach their full potential.

We recognize that each person’s journey is unique and that meaningful change unfolds over time. At Gii, our vision for societal betterment begins with fostering change at the individual level. Despite the challenges, I find this work profoundly rewarding, despite or perhaps because of the complexities involved!

Gii is fortunate to benefit from the expertise and dedication of our esteemed Board, Global Ambassadors, and our growing team of talented staff and volunteers. We are always eager to welcome new team members, partners, and supporters to join us in our mission. Our doors are open to everyone, whether you are part of a community we serve or are looking to make a difference.
— Anjum Malik, Founder, Gii

Our Objectives

We provide communities, whether around the block or across the globe, with top quality support programs focused in four critical areas.

Many people and organizations are without the support they need to thrive and grow. Gii addresses these gaps through widespread outreach and leveraging support by building relationships with individuals and organizations that may contribute to these services.



Gii enhances the quality and accessibility of education and learning through courses, webinars, and mentorship programs.

Personal / Professional Development

Gii helps those students most in need build their self-confidence.

Skill Building

Gii develops and delivers training workshops that provide individuals with the practical resources they need to thrive.


Gii facilitates connections between local and global organizations and institutions.