Stitching a Life Together

For one refugee woman, her new life in the United States was defined by silence and loneliness. Unable to speak English and unfamiliar with her surroundings, she spent her days in isolation, disconnected from her community and unsure of her place in this new world. But through Gii’s sewing collective, her silence gave way to expression, her isolation to connection. With needle and thread, she began to create—not just table runners or pillows, but a livelihood. The sewing collective became a gateway to community and financial contribution. Her work reached local markets, her confidence grew, and she built relationships that transcended language. Looking back, her story is one of reclaiming agency. Looking forward, it illustrates how even small opportunities can catalyze profound transformation. Her journey illustrates the profound impact of small, thoughtful opportunities. Gii’s programs don’t just address immediate needs—they unlock potential, foster community, and remind individuals of their inherent worth and capabilities.